Trends of Public Wi-Fi Technologies

공공 와이파이 기술 동향

  • Published : 2018.10.01


People usually check their social media, e-mail, and online news on their smartphones using their carrier network. During this process, much of the data traffic is offloaded to ubiquitous Wi-Fi networks. Such offloading will continue to increase rapidly because of flourishing public Wi-Fi networks located around the world. In this technical report, we first investigate domestic public Wi-Fi projects, and followed by foreign projects. In addition, we investigate the Wi-Fi technology evolution that has been standardized in IEEE 802. More and more people are tending to use Wi-Fi, not only at home or work, but also on public transport such as buses and trains. Hence, it is important to come up with ideas that can realize Wi-Fi onboard. The key technologies needed here are related to a mobile wireless backhaul between trains and trackside radio equipment, or between buses and roadside units. Thus, we also investigate the mobile wireless backhaul technologies and their trends.



Grant : 통신비 부담 경감을 위한 대중교통수단에서의 공공와이파이 체감 품질 개선기술개발

Supported by : 정보통신기술진흥센터


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