A study on the Application of Teaching and Learning Theory to Military School Education

교수·학습이론의 군 학교교육 적용에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2018.12.31


This study is a study on applying the teaching-learning theory of education to military school education. For the purpose, the theories of constructivist, cognitive, and behavioral theories of teaching-learning theory are reviewed and applied to military school education. The application of teaching-learning theory to military school education suggested the application of constructivist, cognitive, and behavioral education methods to each core curriculum and OBC curriculum. In addition, Gagne's 9th instructional design model of teaching and learning theory was applied in school education design. Applying the teaching-learning theory of education to military, discussion of situation education is constructivist education method, L&T education is cognitive education method, mastery education is behavioral education method, teaching principle, applicable education method. Based on the teaching-learning theory presented in this study, it is expected that the design of military school education and the application of education method will achieve the goal of more effective military school education.



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