양자컴퓨팅 기술 연구개발 동향

R&D Status of Quantum Computing Technology

  • 발행 : 2018.02.01


The calculation speed of quantum computing is expected to outperform that of existing supercomputers with regard to certain problems such as secure computing, optimization problems, searching, and quantum chemistry. Many companies such as Google and IBM have been trying to make 50 superconducting qubits, which is expected to demonstrate quantum supremacy and those quantum computers are more advantageous in computing power than classical computers. However, quantum computers are expected to be applicable to solving real-world problems with superior computing power. This will require large scale quantum computing with many more qubits than the current 50 qubits available. To realize this, first, quantum error correction codes are required to be capable of computing within a sufficient amount of time with tolerable accuracy. Next, a compiler is required for the qubits encoded by quantum error correction codes to perform quantum operations. A large-scale quantum computer is therefore predicted to be composed of three essential components: a programming environment, layout mapping of qubits, and quantum processors. These components analyze how many numbers of qubits are needed, how accurate the qubit operations are, and where they are placed and operated. In this paper, recent progress on large-scale quantum computing and the relation of their components will be introduced.



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