'일반 검색 서비스'의 시장지배력 남용 판결 사례 분석 - Google에 대한 EC의 판결문을 중심으로

Antitrust Case of the General Search Service -Focusing on EC's Decision about Google Case

  • 발행 : 2018.04.01


This paper addresses the antitrust case of Google's general search service to find evidence and logic used for defining markets, and the proof of dominant power and its abuse in detail. This antitrust case has certain meaning because it is not easy to apply traditional approaches to a general search service, which has two-sided market characteristics. This paper finds some implications through an analysis of the antitrust case shown below. First, for market definition, the overall qualitative analysis can be used to draw conclusions without a quantitative analysis, such as a Small but Significant and Non-transitory Increasing in Price (SSNIP) analysis. Second, the multi-homing behavior seems to be one of the key factors in judging the dominant power in Internet-based services. Lastly, the fact that the value of traffic can differ based on the traffic source needs to be considered to address the competition issue of Internet-based services.



  1. European Commission, "CASE AT.39740, Google Search (Shopping)," Antitrust Procedure Council Regulation (EC) 1/2003, June 27, 2017, Accesed 2018.
  2. 정기현, "또 하나의 시작: 구글 유니버설 검색 런칭," Google 한국 블로그, Jan. 30, 2008, Accessed 2018.
  3. FTC, "In the Matter of Google Inc., Statement of the Federal Trade Commission Regarding Google's Search Practices," FTC File Number 111-0163 , Jan. 3, 2013, Accessed 2018.