Successful start-up of pilot-scale single-stage ANAMMOX reactor through cultivation of ammonia oxidizing and ANAMMOX bacteria

암모니아 산화균 및 아나목스균의 배양을 통한 파일롯 규모 단일 아나목스 반응기의 성공적인 시운전

  • Choi, Daehee (Yeungnam university, Department of environmental engineering) ;
  • Jin, Yangoh (Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction, Water Technology Development Team) ;
  • Lee, Chulwoo (Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction, Water Technology Development Team) ;
  • Jung, Jinyoung (Yeungnam university, Department of environmental engineering)
  • 최대희 (영남대학교, 환경공학과) ;
  • 진양오 (두산중공업, Water 기술개발팀) ;
  • 이철우 (두산중공업, Water 기술개발팀) ;
  • 정진영 (영남대학교, 환경공학과)
  • Received : 2018.07.12
  • Accepted : 2018.08.20
  • Published : 2018.10.15


The lack of seed sludges for Ammonium Oxidizing Bacteria (AOB) and slow-growing ANaerobic AMMonium OXidation (ANAMMOX) bacteria is one of the major problem for large-scale application. In this study, $24m^3$ of single-stage SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor) was operated to remove nitrogen from reject water using AOB and ANAMMOX bacteria cultivated from activated sludge in the field. The ANAMMOX activity was found after 44 days of cultivation in the ANAMMOX cultivation reactor, and then $0.66kg\;N/m^3/d$ of the nitrogen removal rate was achieved at $0.78kg\;N/m^3/d$ of the nitrogen loading rate at 153 days of cultivation. The AOB cultivation reactor showed $0.2kg\;N/m^3/d$ of nitrite production rate at $0.4kg\;N/m^3/d$ of nitrogen loading rate after 36 days of operation. The cultivated ANAMMOX bacteria and AOB was mixed into the single-stage SBR. The feed distribution was applied to remove total nitrogen stably in the single-stage SBR. The nitrogen removal rate in the single-stage SBR was gradually enhanced with an increase of specific activities of both AOB and ANAMMOX bacteria by showing $0.49kg\;N/m^3/d$ of the nitrogen removal rate at $0.56kg\;N/m^3/d$ of the nitrogen loading rate at 54 days of operation.



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Cited by

  1. Mainstream ANAMMOX 공정 적용시 암모니아성 질소 대비 아질산성 질소 비율 도출 연구 vol.23, pp.1, 2021,