수원 권업모범장의 공간변화에 관한 연구

A Study on Spatial Change of the Agricultural Experimental Organizations in Suwon

  • 안국진 (수원시정연구원 수원공공디자인센터) ;
  • 권준형 (한양대학교 건축학과)
  • 투고 : 2018.08.15
  • 심사 : 2018.09.30
  • 발행 : 2018.10.31


The Agricultural Experimental Organizations[勸業模範場] in Suwon is Korea's first agricultural promotion facility. It was founded in 1906. This study aim to find the area and spatial composition of 勸業模範場. The results are as follows. When it founded, the Agricultural Experimental Organizations was operated centering on the main hall, and then since the pillage of national sovereignty in 1910, it was moved to the jurisdiction of the Japanese Government General of Korea and operated with the addition of the agricultural/forestry school. In 1913, the reductive egg production/distribution was moved from Yongsan branch to Suwon, and reductive egg producing site and female sericulture training office were installed in Suwon. It is supposed that at the time, the Agricultural Experimental Organizations was divided into the main hall-centered area, the Suwon agricultural/forestry school at the south side, and the reductive egg producing site and female sericulture training office even more down south. Since 1920, the agricultural/forestry school came out of the jurisdiction of the Agricultural Experimental Organizations, such that the Agricultural Experimental Organizations was left with only the main hall-centered area and the area with the reductive egg producing site and female sericulture training office. In this study, these two areas are referred to as 'the main hall area' and 'the sericulture area.



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