해안사구 모래보강을 통한 해안침식 저감 효과 - 충청남도 다사리 사구를 사례로 -

The Mitigating Effects of Seaward Dune Reinforcement Against Coastal Erosion in Dasa-ri, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea

  • 공학양 (국립환경과학원 자연환경연구과) ;
  • 박성민 (국립환경과학원 자연환경연구과) ;
  • 신영규 (국립환경과학원 자연환경연구과) ;
  • 최광희 (가톨릭관동대학교 지리교육과)
  • Kong, Hak-Yang (Natural Environment Research Division, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Park, Sung-Min (Natural Environment Research Division, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Shin, Young Kyu (Natural Environment Research Division, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Choi, Kwang Hee (Department of Geography Education, Catholic Kwandong University)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.22
  • 심사 : 2018.12.17
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


Coastal sand dunes have been regarded as natural defenses to protect hinterland from disasters such as storm surge and typhoons. However, many dunes are not well-deserved in South Korea because of imprudent land development or inappropriate measures after coastal erosion. Lately, beach nourishment and dune reinforcement are emphasized as the effective and environmentally sustainable solution for the coastal protection. They are regarded good strategies to keep landscapes for a time, with little side effects. However, there is little knowledge on the construction methods including proper design and time plans for the best results.In addition, the effects of dune reinforcement in the field should be tested.In thisstudy, we performed sand filling in an eroded dune scarp and surveyed topographic changes in the beach-dune system, which is located along Dasa-ri coast, Chungnam Province, South Korea. Using a network RTK-GPS and drone-based aerial photographs, we analyzed the temporal and spatial changes in the area, before and after the reinforcement. As a result, the dune reinforcement seems to be helpful to mitigates the coastal erosion and to prevent the coastline retreat at least for one year.



연구 과제번호 : 지역 해안사구 경관 보전을 위한 적정 관리방안 수립 지원 연구

연구 과제 주관 기관 : 국립환경과학원