Genome-wide analyses of the Jeju, Thoroughbred, and Jeju crossbred horse populations using the high density SNP array

  • Kim, Nam Young (Subtropical Animal Research Institute, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) ;
  • Seong, Ha-Seung (College of Animal Life Science, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Kim, Dae Cheol (Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Livestock Promotion Agency) ;
  • Park, Nam Geon (Subtropical Animal Research Institute, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) ;
  • Yang, Byoung Chul (Subtropical Animal Research Institute, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) ;
  • Son, Jun Kyu (Subtropical Animal Research Institute, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) ;
  • Shin, Sang Min (Subtropical Animal Research Institute, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) ;
  • Woo, Jae Hoon (Subtropical Animal Research Institute, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) ;
  • Shin, Moon Cheol (Subtropical Animal Research Institute, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) ;
  • Yoo, Ji Hyun (Subtropical Animal Research Institute, National Institute of Animal Science, RDA) ;
  • Choi, Jung-Woo (College of Animal Life Science, Kangwon National University)
  • 투고 : 2018.03.24
  • 심사 : 2018.07.24
  • 발행 : 2018.11.30


The Jeju horse is an indigenous Korean horse breed that is currently registered with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. However, there is severe lack of genomic studies on Jeju horse. This study was conducted to investigate genetic characteristics of horses including Jeju horse, Thoroughbred and Jeju crossbred (Jeju${\times}$Thoroughbred) populations. We compared the genomes of three horse populations using the Equine SNP70 Beadchip array. Short-range Linkage disequilibrium was the highest in Thoroughbred, whereas $r^2$ values were lowest in Jeju horse. Expected heterozygosity was the highest in Jeju crossbred (0.351), followed by the Thoroughbred (0.337) and Jeju horse (0.311). The level of inbreeding was slightly higher in Thoroughbred (-0.009) than in Jeju crossbred (-0.035) and Jeju horse (-0.038). $F_{ST}$ value was the highest between Jeju horse and Thoroughbred (0.113), whereas Jeju crossbred and Thoroughbred showed the lowest value (0.031). The genetic relationship was further assessed by principal component analysis, suggesting that Jeju crossbred is more genetically similar to Thoroughbred than Jeju horse population. Additionally, we detected potential selection signatures, for example, in loci located on LCORL/NCAPG and PROP1 genes that are known to influence body. Genome-wide analyses of the three horse populations showed that all the breeds had somewhat a low level of inbreeding within each population. In the population structure analysis, we found that Jeju crossbred was genetically closer to Thoroughbred than Jeju horse. Furthermore, we identified several signatures of selection which might be associated with traits of interest. To our current knowledge, this study is the first genomic research, analyzing genetic relationships of Jeju horse, Thoroughbred and Jeju crossbred.



연구 과제번호 : Study on the development of basic population for the use of Jeju horses

연구 과제 주관 기관 : Rural Development Administration


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