Comparison of the Marginal Utility and Disease Burden of Hearing Loss and Other Chronic Diseases

  • Kwon, Oh Deog (Department of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital) ;
  • Jung, Se Young (Department of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • Park, Hwa Yeon (Department of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • Peak, Sue Kyoung (Department of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital) ;
  • Cho, Su Hwan (Department of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital) ;
  • Cho, Sang Jin (Department of Family Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital)
  • Received : 2017.03.03
  • Accepted : 2017.08.15
  • Published : 2018.11.20


Background: Compared with other chronic diseases, hearing loss is generally overlooked from the perspective of disease burden. However, hearing loss is emerging as an important issue in the current society. The objective of this study was to investigate disease burdens and marginal utilities associated with hearing loss and other chronic diseases. Methods: This study analyzed the cross-sectional data of 32,986 participants aged 19 years and older who completed the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys between 2009 and 2013. Additionally, this study used the pure tone audiometric test, European Quality of Life-Five Dimensions Questionnaire, and chronic disease status. The data were analyzed using a multiple linear regression method. Results: The data of 23,297 people who underwent a pure tone audiogram and completed the European Quality of Life-Five Dimensions Questionnaire were used in this analysis. The marginal utility of hearing loss ranked fifth among nine chronic diseases. The estimated loss of quality-adjusted life years associated with hearing loss was -93.69 years per 100,000 people, which is similar to other chronic diseases. Conclusion: This study assessed the marginal utilities and public burdens of hearing loss and eight chronic diseases in a South Korean population. Although the values may vary depending on country and race, this study may provide an indispensable foundation for more detailed studies on hearing loss.



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