Bilateral Osteoarthritis of Coxofemoral Joint in a Thoroughbred Horse

  • Jeong, Hyohoon (College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University)
  • Received : 2018.09.03
  • Accepted : 2018.10.01
  • Published : 2018.10.31


A 3-year-old black Thoroughbred colt weighing 500 kg was admitted to the Equine Hospital of Korea Racing Authority (KRA) due to the chronic gait abnormality of the hindlimbs. The history revealed that the patient had run and fallen onto the fence of the farm about at the age of 1 year old and the lameness had been worsening insidiously since the accident. The degree of lameness was 2/5 in accordance with the AAEP lameness grading system in both hindlimbs at hand walking and trot. The lameness was exacerbated at lunging clockwise and counterclockwise on both hindlimbs. The definitive diagnosis of the bilateral osteoarthritis of coxofemoral joint was established using radiography under general inhalation anesthesia. The prognosis was considered to be poor with low expectancy for racing and the colt was expelled from the racecourse eventually. The clinicians are required to consider the possibility of osteoarthritis of coxofemoral joint presented with chronic hindlimb lameness although it is rare. This is the first report on the bilateral osteoarthritis coxofemoral joint in Republic of Korea.



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