Outdoor play in preschools in England and Finland: Outdoor environment, management, educators' perspectives

영국 및 핀란드 유아교육기관의 실외놀이:

  • 나귀옥 (학습자중심교과교육학회)
  • Published : 20180400


This study investigated how quality outdoor play is implemented in preschools in England and Finland. The four preschools in each country which were known as high quality in terms of outdoor play were selected as samples. The researcher visited these institutions twice, once in warm season and once in cold season as the outdoor play is implemented differently according to the weather and seasons. She observed children's outdoor play, the environment of outdoor areas, resources and materials provided, the management of outdoor areas in terms of time and space. She also interviewed with the educators in order to find out their perspectives on the importance and values of outdoor play. The results showed that the outdoor areas of these preschools were characterized as 'towards nature', and the outdoor play was implemented for 'wellbeing and health'. The outdoor areas were opened in all weathers and risky play was allowed. However, challenges and safety were co-existed by achieving balance between proper safety check and challenging and risky play. They pursuit the integration of indoor and outdoor activities, beyond just simple outdoor play, through constitution of a variety of areas and various resources and materials in outdoor environment. They encouraged children's autonomy and independence through child-initiative play and activities among children by regarding children's interests and choices. In preschools in our country, we need to consider these characteristics of outdoor play in England and Finland in order to promote children's wellbeing and health, connection and extension of indoor and outdoor play and activities, children's initiatives, imagination, creativity, and problem-solving capacity.

본 연구는 영국과 핀란드의 유아교육기관에서 어떻게 질 높은 실외놀이가 이루어 지는지를 밝히고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 각 국가에서 실외놀이가 우수하다고 인정받는 4개 기관을 추천받아 2016년 8월부터 2017년 9월 사이에 2차례씩 방문하여 실외 환경구성 및 제공되는 자원과 재료, 운영, 및 영유아들의 실외놀이를 관찰하고, 실외놀이의 가치에 대하여 교원을 면담하였다. 그 결과, 이들 기관에서는 모든 환경 구성과 활동이 자연을 지향하였고, 실외놀이는 건강과 웰빙을 위해 실행되었다. 또한 날씨에 구애받지 않고 실외놀이를 실시하며, 위험성이 있는 놀이에 도전하도록 허용하면서도 안전점검을 통하여 도전과 안전이 공존하는 양상이었다. 그들은 단순한 실외놀이를 넘어서서, 실내 영역과의 통합을 추구하였으며, 유아들의 흥미와 선택권을 존중하여 유아들끼리 주도적으로 활동하도록 함으로써 자율성과 독립심을 성취하도록 격려하는 모습이었다. 우리나라 유아교육기관에서 유아의 웰빙과 건강, 실내외활동의 연계와 확장, 유아의 주도성, 상상력, 창의력, 문제해결력을 증진시키는 실외 놀이의 실현을 위하여 이러한 측면들을 고려해 볼 필요가 있을 것이다.
