고객가치 창조와 기업의 사회적 책임 이행: 에넥스의 고객중심 경영

The Customer Value Creation and Corporate Social Responsibility: Customer-oriented Management of ENEX

  • Noh, Yonghwi (College of Business Administration, Myongi University) ;
  • Choi, Jeongil (College of Business Administration, Soongsil University)
  • 투고 : 2018.06.16
  • 심사 : 2018.07.10
  • 발행 : 2018.09.30


Purpose: This study investigates success factors of ENEX which is a leading company in the kitchen furniture industry in South Korea, based on the perspective of customer satisfaction and corporate social responsibility. ENEX has grown to a successful mid-sized firm with competitive technology as a result of pursuing customer-oriented management since its establishment in 1971. Methods: Recognizing the importance of customer satisfaction, this study analyzed several cases of customer-oriented management of ENEX and interpreted their findings. Results: The successful embedment of customer satisfaction DNA in the whole organization is a major success factor of ENEX. It has been applying 7 WISE policy to all business processes from the product development to after-service to create customer value. Also, top management has fully exercised leadership to make customer-oriented organization, leading to ENEX being a competitive firm to provide products and services which can impress customers. Conclusions: ENEX has conducted various social activities based on corporate social responsibility. This study would also provide meaningful insights to understand the importance of customer-oriented management.



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