SNS 리뷰데이터의 활용 : 저가항공사와 대형항공사를 중심으로

Utilization of SNS Review Data for a Comparison between Low Cost Carrier and Full Service Carrier

  • 우미나 (서강대학교 경영전문대학원)
  • 투고 : 2018.03.30
  • 심사 : 2018.08.31
  • 발행 : 2018.09.30


There exist a number of studies pertaining to the determinants of customer satisfaction between low-cost and full-service carriers in the airline industry. Most studies measured service quality using SERVQUAL based on a survey method. This study offers a new perspective by employing a big data analytic approach using SNS data, which reflects the immediate response of customers as well as trends in real time. This study chose eight factors from TripAdvisor's customer review site as determinants of customer satisfaction and compared the differences between low-cost and full-service airlines. The factors analyzed were seat comfort, customer service, cleanliness, food and beverage, legroom, entertainment, value for money, and check-in and boarding. Additionally, ratings from domestic and foreign customers were compared. The findings show that customer service and value for money are significant factors in satisfaction with low-cost airlines while all variables except legroom and entertainment are significant for full-service airlines. The results show that SNS-based data and analysis of big data are important for improving decision-making effectiveness and increasing customer satisfaction in the airline industry.



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