Essentials of Physiotherapy after Thoracic Surgery: What Physiotherapists Need to Know. A Narrative Review

  • Ahmad, Ahmad Mahdi (Department of Physical Therapy for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disorders, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University)
  • 투고 : 2018.05.17
  • 심사 : 2018.08.16
  • 발행 : 2018.10.05


Physiotherapy has recently become an essential part of enhanced recovery protocols after thoracic surgery. The evidence-based practice of physiotherapy is essential for the effective management of postoperative patients. Unfortunately, only a small body of literature has discussed the rationale of the physiotherapy interventions that are routinely implemented following thoracic surgery. Nonetheless, we can integrate the available knowledge into our practice until new evidence emerges. Therefore, in this review, the principles of physiotherapy after thoracic surgery are presented, along with a detailed description of physiotherapy interventions, with the goals of enhancing the knowledge and practical skills of physiotherapists in postoperative care units and helping them to re-evaluate and justify their traditional practices.



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