Osteological Development of the Larvae and Juvenile of Chameleon Goby, Tridentiger trigonocephalus

두줄망둑(Tridentiger trigonocephalus) 자치어의 골격발달

  • Han, Kyeong-Ho (Marine Technology Undergraduate, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Lee, Sung-Hun (Marine Technology Undergraduate, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Doo-Young (Jeollanam-Do Institute of Ocean and Fisheries Technology) ;
  • Seo, Won-Il (Jeollanam-Do Institute of Ocean and Fisheries Technology) ;
  • Park, Jae-Min (Gyeongsangbuk-Do Native Fish Business Center)
  • 한경호 (전남대학교 해양기술학부) ;
  • 이성훈 (전남대학교 해양기술학부) ;
  • 김두용 (전라남도 해양수산기술원) ;
  • 서원일 (전라남도 해양수산기술원) ;
  • 박재민 (경상북도 토속어류산업화센터)
  • Received : 2018.09.10
  • Accepted : 2018.09.30
  • Published : 2018.09.30


This study was carried out to observe the development of the autonomous skeletal development of the Tridentiger trigonocephalus. Seven days after hatching, the skeleton of the two line cranes began to ossify at premaxillary, maxilla and dentary when the average total length was 4.44 mm (n=5). At thirteen days after hatching, the frontal, parietal, and epiotic ossicles were observed in the cranium when the average total length was 5.62 mm (n=5). At thirty-two days after hatching, actinost and post cleithrum were ossified at the shoulder when the average total length was 11.8 mm (n=5). At forty days after hatching, the lateral ethmoid of the skull was ossified with an average total length of 13.3 mm (n=5) and all skeletal development was completed.

이 연구의 목적은 우리나라 연안에 서식하는 두줄망둑의 자치어 골격발달을 관찰하여 분류학적 연구자료로 이용하는 것이다. 부화 후 7일째 평균전장 $4.44{\pm}0.28mm$ (n=5) 일 때 섭이기능을 하는 윗턱에는 전상악골, 주상악골이 골화하였고, 아래턱에는 악골이 골화하기 시작하였다. 부화 후 13일째 평균전장 $5.62{\pm}0.24mm$ (n=5) 일 때 두개골의 액골, 노정골, 상이골이 골화하였다. 부화 후 32일째 평균전장 $11.8{\pm}0.28mm$ (n=5) 일 때는 견대부에 사출골, 후쇄골이 골화하였고, 부화 후 40일째 평균전장 $13.3{\pm}0.21mm$ (n=5) 일 때 두개골의 측사골이 골화하면서 모든 골격의 골화가 완료되었다.



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