집단지성과 성과창출을 위한 통합적 개념틀 검토

An Integrative Framework for Creating Collective Intelligence and Enhancing Performance

  • 투고 : 2018.08.31
  • 심사 : 2018.09.13
  • 발행 : 2018.09.30


This study was aimed at suggesting an integrative framework for creating collective intelligence and enhancing group performance after reviewing previous studies including those related to learning organizations, organizational learning, knowledge management, and collective intelligence. In the first, we examined that the similarities and differences between collective intelligence and other similar concepts, such as learning organizations, organizational learning, and knowledge management. Next, an integrative framework for creating collective intelligence and channeling it into strong group performance were suggested. In this process, we reviewed conditions for creating collective intelligence and segmented the major variables as expectancy, valence, and instrumentality, according to Vroom's (1964) expectancy theory. Characteristics of problems and the roles of leaders were respectively considered as valence for inducing collaboration and expectancy for managing probability to achieve goals. Instrumental factors were also adopted from conditions for creating group intelligence suggested from several researchers, such as creativity, openness, willingness for working together, horizontal communication, centralization in decision making, and building effective information and communication technology system and active usage of it. We discussed two potentially disputable matters about the scope and level of collective intelligence and group performance and suggest several theoretical and practical implications in the Discussion.



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