Ru-NiOx nanohybrids on TiO2 support prepared by impregnation-reduction method for efficient hydrogenation of lactose to lactitol

  • Mishra, Dinesh Kumar (Center for Bio-based Chemistry, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT)) ;
  • Dabbawala, Aasif A. (Material and Catalysis Division, Chemical Engineering Department, Khalifa University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Truong, Cong Chien (University of Science and Technology (UST), Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) Campus) ;
  • Alhassan, Saeed M. (Material and Catalysis Division, Chemical Engineering Department, Khalifa University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Jegal, Jonggeon (Center for Bio-based Chemistry, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT)) ;
  • Hwang, Jin Soo (Center for Bio-based Chemistry, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT))
  • Received : 2018.04.24
  • Accepted : 2018.08.08
  • Published : 2018.12.25


Lactose is a reducing disaccharide consisting of two different monosaccharides such as galactose and glucose. The hydrogenation of lactose to lactitol is a formidable challenge because it is a complex process and several side products are formed. In this work, we synthesized Ru-Ni bimetallic nanohybrids as efficient catalysts for selective lactose hydrogenation to give selective lactitol. Ru-Ni bimetallic nanohybrids with $Ru-NiO_x$ (x = 1, 5, and 10 wt%) are prepared by impregnating Ru and Ni salts precursors with $TiO_2$ used as support material. Ru-Ni bimetallic nanohybrids (represented as $5Ru-5NiO/TiO_2$) catalyst is found to exhibit the remarkably high selectivity of lactitol (99.4%) and turnover frequency i.e. ($374h^{-1}$). In contrast, monometallic $Ru/TiO_2$ catalyst shows poor performance with ($TOF=251h^{-1}$). The detailed characterizations confirmed a strong interaction between Ru and NiO species, demonstrating a synergistic effect on the improvement on lactitol selectivity. The impregnation-reduction method for the preparation of bimetallic $Ru-NiO/TiO_2$ catalyst promoted Ru nanoparticles dispersed on NiO and intensified the interaction between Ru and NiO species. $Ru-NiO/TiO_2$ efficiently catalyzed the hydrogenation of lactose to lactitol with high yield/selectivity at almost complete conversion of lactose at $120^{\circ}C$ and 55 bar of hydrogen ($H_2$) pressure. Moreover, $Ru-NiO/TiO_2$ catalyst could also be easily recovered and reused up to four runs without notable change in original activity.



Supported by : KRICT, Korea Research Council of Industrial Science and Technology


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