Effect of Asymmetric Hot Rolling on the Texture Evolution of Fe-3%Si Steel

  • Na, Tae-Wook (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Park, Hyung-Ki (Non-Ferrous Materials and Components R&D Group, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology) ;
  • Park, Chang-Soo (POSCO Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO) ;
  • Joo, Hyung-Don (POSCO Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO) ;
  • Park, Jong-Tae (POSCO Technical Research Laboratories, POSCO) ;
  • Han, Heung Nam (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Hwang, Nong-Moon (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 2018.01.23
  • Accepted : 2018.05.09
  • Published : 2018.11.20


In Fe-3%Si steel, the hot rolling process affects not only the hot rolling texture but also the primary recrystallization texture. Here, the effect of asymmetric hot rolling was studied by comparing the difference in the texture evolved between asymmetric and symmetric hot rolling. The effect of asymmetric hot rolling on the texture of primary recrystallized Fe-3%Si steel was also studied. The symmetric hot rolling of Fe-3%Si steel produces a rotated cube texture at the center but Goss and copper textures near the surface. Asymmetric hot rolling tends to produce Goss and copper textures even at the center like the texture near the surface. After primary recrystallization, the dominant texture at the center changes from {001} <210> to {111} <112> and the new texture has a higher fraction of the grains which make the low energy boundary with Goss grains than that of symmetric hot rolling.



Supported by : National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)


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Cited by

  1. Misorientation Characteristics at the Growth Front of Abnormally-Growing Goss Grains in Fe-3%Si Steel vol.27, pp.12, 2018,