Objectives : Electroacupuncture is a procedure in which pulses of weak electrical current are sent through acupuncture needles into acupuncture points in the skin. Since the 1970s, electroacupuncture has been widely used for treating various diseases including pain, inflammatory diseases and neurodegenerative diseases and electroacupuncture research has also been actively conducted in Korea. This study was designed to assess the tendencies and research performances in Korea. Methods : Articles referring to electroacupuncture in Korea were searched in Korean Studies Information Service System, Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System, DBpia, Pubmed and Scopus, and assessed by distribution of document types, published articles, source institutes, journals, and subject categories. Results : Total 677 articles were included in this study. Among them, basic researches were 395, clinical researches were 210, reviews were 68 and others were 4. Kyung Hee university published the most articles, followed by Wonkwang univresity, Daejeon university and Pusan national university in Korean institutes. Journal of Acupuncture Research published the most articles, followed by Korean Journal of Acupuncture, Journal of Korean medicine rehabilitation and Journal of physiology & pathology in Korean medicine among journals. Animals were used in the most articles, followed by human, literatures and protocol in subject categories. The number of articles per year was related to the increase of research fund and the number per institution was related to the number of professors and researchers. Conclusions : In order to carry out better electroacupuncture researches, it is necessary to cultivate electroacupuncture researchers and increase in research funds.