Marine gas turbine monitoring and diagnostics by simulation and pattern recognition

  • Campora, Ugo (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica, Gestionale, Trasporti (DIME), University of Genoa, Polytechnic School) ;
  • Cravero, Carlo (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Energetica, Gestionale, Trasporti (DIME), University of Genoa, Polytechnic School) ;
  • Zaccone, Raphael (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Navale, Elettrica, Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni (DITEN), University of Genoa, Polytechnic School)
  • 투고 : 2016.09.02
  • 심사 : 2017.09.13
  • 발행 : 2018.09.30


Several techniques have been developed in the last years for energy conversion and aeronautic propulsion plants monitoring and diagnostics, to ensure non-stop availability and safety, mainly based on machine learning and pattern recognition methods, which need large databases of measures. This paper aims to describe a simulation based monitoring and diagnostic method to overcome the lack of data. An application on a gas turbine powered frigate is shown. A MATLAB-SIMULINK(R) model of the frigate propulsion system has been used to generate a database of different faulty conditions of the plant. A monitoring and diagnostic system, based on Mahalanobis distance and artificial neural networks have been developed. Experimental data measured during the sea trials have been used for model calibration and validation. Test runs of the procedure have been carried out in a number of simulated degradation cases: in all the considered cases, malfunctions have been successfully detected by the developed model.



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