Performance Analysis of MRT-Based Dual-Polarized Massive MIMO System with Space-Polarization Division Multiple Access

  • Hong, Jun-Ki (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Youngsan University)
  • 투고 : 2018.02.28
  • 심사 : 2018.06.10
  • 발행 : 2018.08.31


In recent years, one of the most remarkable 5G technologies is massive multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) system which increases spectral efficiency by deploying a large number of transmit-antennas (eg. tens or hundreds transmit-antennas) at base station (BS). However, conventional massive MIMO system using single-polarized (SP) transmit-antennas increases the size of the transmit-array proportionally as the number of transmit-antennas increases. Hence, size reduction of large-scale transmit-array is one of the major concerns of massive MIMO system. To reduce the size of the transmit-array at BS, dual-polarized (DP) transmit-antenna can be the solution to halve the size of the transmit-array since one collocated DP transmit-antenna deploys vertical and horizontal transmit-antennas compared to SP transmit-antennas. Moreover, proposed DP massive MIMO system increases the spectral efficiency by not only in the space domain but also in the polarization domain whereas the conventional SP massive MIMO system increases the spectral efficiency by space domain only. In this paper, the comparative performance of DP and SP massive MIMO systems is analyzed by space division multiple access (SDMA) and space-polarization division multiple access (SPDMA) respectively. To analyze the performance of DP and SP massive MIMO systems, DP and SP spatial channel models (SCMs) are proposed which consider depolarized propagation channels between transmitter and receiver. The simulation results show that the performance of proposed 32 transmitter (Tx) DP massive MIMO system improves the spectral efficiency by about 91% for a large number of user equipments (UEs) compare to 32Tx SP massive MIMO system for identical size of the transmit-array.



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