Power Control for D2D Communication in the Cellular System: The Impact of Channel Estimation Error

  • Oh, Changyoon (Dept. of Information & Communications Engineering, Inha Technical College)
  • Received : 2018.07.24
  • Accepted : 2018.08.16
  • Published : 2018.08.31


In this paper, we investigate the impact of channel estimation error on the D2D power control algorithm. In the previous work, D2D power control algorithm has been proposed under the assumption that the channel between the transmitter and the corresponding receiver is perfectly estimated. In reality, the channel estimation error is more often the case. The first question is that the power control algorithm designed for perfect channel estimation is still valid under the channel estimation error environment ? The second question is, if it is not valid, what could be the possible remedy for the channel estimation error ? In this paper, to answer the first question, we investigate the impact of the channel estimation error on the power control algorithm. We first review the D2D power control algorithm designed for perfect channel estimation. Then, we model the channel estimation error. Finally, we summarize the main results observed from the analysis of the simulation.



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