Evaluation of Antioxidative Effects of Lactobacillus plantarum with Fuzzy Synthetic Models

  • Zhao, Jichun (State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University) ;
  • Tian, Fengwei (State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University) ;
  • Yan, Shuang (State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University) ;
  • Zhai, Qixiao (State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University) ;
  • Zhang, Hao (State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University) ;
  • Chen, Wei (State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University)
  • 투고 : 2017.12.11
  • 심사 : 2018.04.25
  • 발행 : 2018.07.28


Numerous studies suggest that the effects of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) on oxidative stress in vivo are correlated with their antioxidative activities in vitro; however, the relationship is still unclear and contradictory. The antioxidative activities of 27 Lactobacillus plantarum strains isolated from fermented foods were determined in terms of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl, hydroxyl radical, and superoxide radical scavenging abilities, reducing activity, resistance to hydrogen peroxide, and ferrous chelating ability in vitro. Two fuzzy synthetic evaluation models, one with an analytic hierarchy process and one using entropy weight, were then used to evaluate the overall antioxidative abilities of these L. plantarum strains. Although there was some difference between the two models, the highest scoring strain (CCFM10), the middle scoring strain (CCFM242), and the lowest scoring strain (RS15-3) were obtained with both models. Examination of the antioxidative abilities of these three strains in $\text\tiny{D}$-galactose-induced oxidative stress mice demonstrated that their overall antioxidative abilities in vitro could reveal the abilities to alleviate oxidative stress in vivo. The current study suggests that assessment of overall antioxidative abilities with fuzzy synthetic models can guide the evaluation of probiotic antioxidants. It might be a more quick and effective method to evaluate the overall antioxidative abilities of LAB.



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피인용 문헌

  1. The synergistic effect of Lactobacillus plantarum CCFM242 and zinc on ulcerative colitis through modulating intestinal homeostasis vol.10, pp.9, 2018,