Halal Orientation Strategy(HOS) Reinforces to Positive Results on Quality, Time, Cost Control and Flexibility among Halal Food Manufacturers in Malaysia Context

  • 투고 : 2018.06.01
  • 심사 : 2018.06.25
  • 발행 : 2018.06.30


The purpose of this paper was to explain on the conceptualisation of the Halal Orientation strategy (HOS) based on operation strategy perspective. The four variables constitute in HOS are staffing, materials, production process and storage together with transportation. By focusing on HOS, the manufacturers reinforce improvement in quality, cost control, time and flexibility of the production Halal food industry in Malaysia which is the performance objective of market competitiveness in Malaysia context. A self-administered questionnaire was designed and used to assess the significant of HOS that lead to improve quality, cost control, reduction in time and the flexibility among Halal food manufacturers in Malaysia. From a total of 443 Halal food manufacturers were involved in this study, only 137 respondents are usable for this research. The study showed significant results for the manufacturers to focus in Halal Orientation strategy (HOS) which have positive impacts on quality, cost control, time and flexibility. This research aimed to measure the HOS among food firms in Malaysia and to determine HOS in relation with the performance objective of operational outcomes.



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