Surgical Repair of Atresia Ani with Rectovaginal Fistula in an African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer)

  • 투고 : 2017.11.01
  • 심사 : 2018.02.01
  • 발행 : 2018.06.30


A three-month-old female African buffalo born at Seoul Zoo showed signs of abdominal distension, bulging of the perineal skin, and small stool volume compared to feed intake. Upon physical examination, atresia ani with rectovaginal fistula was diagnosed. This case was subjected to surgery under inhalation anesthesia after injecting a sedative. Surgery was performed in two steps: anal reconstruction and closing the rectovaginal fistula. First, a circular skin incision was made at the end of the rectal pouch to create an anus, and then the skin of the anus and the mucous membrane of the rectum were brought into apposition by simple interrupted sutures. Second, the rectovaginal fistula was ligated on both vulval and anal side. Antibiotics were administered on every alternate day and the sutures were removed at ten days surgery under sedation. The rectovaginal communication was closed and the calf was able to urinate and defecate normally. The animal grew to become a normal adult without any complications. This is the first case report of atresia ani with rectovaginal fistula in an African buffalo, that was successfully treated by surgical intervention.



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