The Effects of International New Ventures' Social Responsibility Engagement on Local Customer Loyalty: A Perspective of Relationship Marketing in Emerging Economies

  • An, Sang-Bong (Department of Business Administration, Shingyeong University) ;
  • Oh, Han-Mo (Department of International Trade, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Sung-Kwon (Department of Business Administration, Chonbuk National University)
  • Received : 2018.08.31
  • Accepted : 2018.09.21
  • Published : 2018.09.30


Research addressing international new ventures' social responsibility activities is scarce. Specifically, researchers have little account for the effects of an international new venture's social responsibility efforts on the outcomes of relationships with local customers in emerging economies. Against this background, we attempt to extend the boundaries of an understanding of the effects of international new ventures' social responsibility engagement on local customers' loyalty through customer trust and customer identification in emerging economies. Based mainly on the stakeholder theory and the relationship marketing theory, our study conceptualize two facets of international new ventures' social responsibility efforts: ethical and philanthropic corporate social responsibility engagement. In addition, we identify positive customer relationship-building mechanisms for each facet. Furthermore, our study presents an empirically testable propositions that would explain how international new ventures' social responsibility efforts influence the outcomes of relationships with local customers in emerging economies. Finally, this manuscript provides a discussion of the present study' implications for theory and practice and limitations that naturally lead to future research on international new ventures' social responsibility activities in developing economies.



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