A study on legal service of AI

  • Received : 2018.07.11
  • Accepted : 2018.07.20
  • Published : 2018.07.31


Last March, the world Go competition between AlphaGo, AI Go program developed by Google Deep Mind and professional Go player Lee Sedol has shown us that the 4th industrial revolution using AI has come close. Especially, there ar many system combined with AI hae been developing including program for researching legal information, system for expecting jurisdiction, and processing big data, there is saying that even AI legal person is ready for its appearance. As legal field is mostly based on text-based document, such characteristic makes it easier to adopt artificial intelligence technology. When a legal person receives a case, the first thing to do is searching for legal information and judical precedent, which is the one of the strength of AI. It is very difficult for a human being to utilize a flow of legal knowledge and figures by analyzing them but for AI, this is nothing but a simple job. The ability of AI searching for regulation, precedent, and literature related to legal issue is way over our expectation. AI is evaluated to be able to review 1 billion pages of legal document per second and many people agree that lot of legal job will be replaced by AI. Along with development of AI service, legal service is becoming more advanced and if it devotes to ethical solving of legal issues, which is the final goal, not only the legal field but also it will help to gain nation's trust. If nations start to trust the legal service, it would never be completely replaced by AI. What is more, if it keeps offering advanced, ethical, and quick legal service, value of law devoting to the society will increase and finally, will make contribution to the nation. In this time where we have to compete with AI, we should try hard to increase value of traditional legal service provided by human. In the future, priority of good legal person will be his/her ability to use AI. The only field left to human will be understanding and recovering emotion of human caused by legal problem, which cannot be done by AI's controlling function. Then, what would be the attitude of legal people in this period? It would be to learn the new technology and applying in the field rather than going against it, this will be the way to survive in this new AI period.



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