Scene-based Nonuniformity Correction for Neural Network Complemented by Reducing Lense Vignetting Effect and Adaptive Learning rate

  • Received : 2018.04.09
  • Accepted : 2018.06.20
  • Published : 2018.07.31


In this paper, reducing lense Vignetting effect and adaptive learning rate method are proposed to complement Scribner's neural network for nuc algorithm which is the effective algorithm in statistic SBNUC algorithm. Proposed reducing vignetting effect method is updated weight and bias each differently using different cost function. Proposed adaptive learning rate for updating weight and bias is using sobel edge detection method, which has good result for boundary condition of image. The ordinary statistic SBNUC algorithm has problem to compensate lense vignetting effect, because statistic algorithm is updated weight and bias by using gradient descent method, so it should not be effective for global weight problem same like, lense vignetting effect. We employ the proposed methods to Scribner's neural network method(NNM) and Torres's reducing ghosting correction for neural network nuc algorithm(improved NNM), and apply it to real-infrared detector image stream. The result of proposed algorithm shows that it has 10dB higher PSNR and 1.5 times faster convergence speed then the improved NNM Algorithm.



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