Effects of Kinematic Taping Therapy on Dysmenorrhea

  • Received : 2018.03.05
  • Accepted : 2018.04.17
  • Published : 2018.06.30


The present study aimed to investigate the effects of kinematic taping therapy on menstrual distress, pain, and $prostaglandinF2{\alpha}$. The experimental subject was a 24 years old woman with the pain of over 5 points on the dysmenorrhea measurement test and no unusual reactions on the taping test. The menstrual distress was measured by the Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ), and the dysmenorrhea was measured by the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) before and after the intervention. The prostaglandin $F2{\alpha}(PGF2{\alpha})$ was measured on the first day of menstruation before the intervention and 24 hours after the taping therapy by the blood test. The intervention of kinematic taping was conducted by the instructor of the International Kinematic Taping Academy, and the taping was applied to the lower abdomen and the waist. According to the difference of menstrual distress before and after the intervention, the menstrual distress turned out to be decreased to 96 points after the intervention from the 115 points before the intervention. The dysmenorrhea also reduced 3 points on the VAS from 7 points to 4 points before and after the intervention. The $PGF2{\alpha}$ decreased from $26pg/m{\ell}$ to $20pg/m{\ell}$ before and after the intervention. Besides, the $PGF2{\alpha}$ decreased from $26pg/m{\ell}$ to $20pg/m{\ell}$ before and after the intervention. Results suggest that kinematic taping therapy could be useful to reduce the menstrual distress, pain, and $PGF2{\alpha}$.



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