3일간의 자기 기입식 기록법을 적용한 대전지역 여고생의 액체수분 섭취실태

Liquid Intake of Female High School Students by Self-Recording Method for 3-days in Daejeon

  • 투고 : 2018.10.04
  • 심사 : 2018.12.28
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


본 연구는 대전시에 위치한 고등학교 1, 2학년 여학생 235명을 대상으로 자기 기입식 기록법을 적용하여 주중 2일과 주말 1일, 총 3일간의 액체수분 섭취실태를 조사하였다. 액체수분 섭취총량은 838.5 ㎖/일(주중 790.5 ㎖/일, 주말 934.5 ㎖/일)로 2015 한국인 영양소 섭취기준에 제시된 충분섭취량 900 ㎖/일에 미치지 못하였다. 액체수분의 종류별 섭취량 분석 결과, 물의 섭취량이 611.6 ㎖/일로 가장 많았고, 탄산음료(65.7 ㎖/일), 우유(41.6 ㎖/일), 과즙음료(32.8 ㎖/일), 과채주스(25.4 ㎖/일)의 순으로 나타났다. 나머지 음료 8종은 섭취량이 15 ㎖/일 미만이었다. BMI 비만도에 따른 액체수분 섭취량 차이 분석에서 물과 액체수분 섭취총량은 BMI 23.0 이상인 학생이 18.5 미만, 18.5 이상 23.0 미만인 학생보다 많았다. 운동 빈도와 고염식 식습관에 따른 섭취량 차이 분석에서 운동 일수 3일/주 이상, 고염식 식습관 점수 7점 이상인 학생은 탄산음료의 섭취량이 많았다. 건강한 사람이라면 수분의 과잉 섭취로 인한 유해 효과가 없기 때문에 충분한 수분 섭취, 특히 건강 음료의 선택과 관련하여 올바른 교육이 필요하다고 할 수 있다.

This study was performed to measure the liquid intake and the liquid intake difference by obesity, exercise frequency, and salty food intake score in female high school students. A total of 235 students in Daejeon area were participated, and the liquid intake was recorded for 3-days(2 weekdays and 1 weekend) by self-recording. The T-test, F-test, Pearson's correlation, and Scheffe test were exercised. The results of this study are as follows. The amount of total liquid intake was 838.5 ㎖/d. Among the 13 kinds of beverages, water was the highest 611.6 ㎖/d, 72.9% of liquid intake total, followed by carbonated drink(65.7 ㎖/d), milk(41.6 ㎖/d), fruit drink(32.8 ㎖/d), and fruit·vegetable juice(25.4 ㎖/d). The other beverages' intake were very small, ≤13.0 ㎖/d. Carbonated drink, milk, and coffee's intake were higher during weekend than weekday. There were sig. difference in water and total liquid intake by the obesity, student of BMI≥23.0 was higher than students of BMI<23.0. And only carbonated drink was sig. different by exercise frequency and salty food intake score. Exercise frequency of ≥3 d/week and salty food intake score of ≥7(very dangerous) consumed more carbonated drink than the lower counterparts. Total liquid intake of female high school students was not reach to 900 ㎖/d, the Adequate Intake in Dietary Reference Intake for Koreans 2015. The amount of milk intake was 41.6 ㎖/d, far less than the Recommended Intake of 2 serving, 400 ㎖/d. Education and promotion program may necessary to increase the liquid intake amount and to choose the nutritious beverage.



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