Hierarchical Attention Network를 활용한 주제에 따른 온라인 고객 리뷰 분석 모델

Analysis of the Online Review Based on the Theme Using the Hierarchical Attention Network

  • 투고 : 2018.05.23
  • 심사 : 2018.06.12
  • 발행 : 2018.06.30


Recently, online commerces are becoming more common due to factors such as mobile technology development and smart device dissemination, and online review has a big influence on potential buyer's purchase decision. This study presents a set of analytical methodologies for understanding the meaning of customer reviews of products in online transaction. Using techniques currently developed in deep learning are implemented Hierarchical Attention Network for analyze meaning in online reviews. By using these techniques, we could solve time consuming pre-data analysis time problem and multiple topic problems. To this end, this study analyzes customer reviews of laptops sold in domestic online shopping malls. Our result successfully demonstrates over 90% classification accuracy. Therefore, this study classified the unstructured text data in the semantic analysis and confirmed the practical application possibility of the review analysis process.



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