Analysis on Change of Population Structure and Locational Characteristics of Children's Parks : Focusing on Children's Parks in Cheongju

인구구조 변화와 어린이 공원의 입지특성 분석 연구

  • Received : 2018.08.27
  • Accepted : 2018.10.05
  • Published : 2018.10.30


This study aims at suggesting directions to make children's parks considering the actual groups using them by comparative analysis of age distribution in residents within area of use and locations of children's parks with regards to changes in population structure of low birth rate and aging. Cheongju was selected for the study, and the current status of children's parks and population structure were categorized into six stages and the investigation and analysis were conducted by statistics by population group and by using Arc GIS Program. As a result of the analysis, children under 13 were 13.1% of the entire population in Cheongju and share of middle-aged and aged group including middle-aged was 31.3%. Park area per one children under 13 was 5.9㎡ and based on walking use area(250m), average number of parks available by autonomous district was eight. As a result of the analysis of characteristics of distribution of children's parks, they are densely located in old downtowns or the distribution density was relatively high in newly developed areas such as Osong-eup or Ochang-eup. However, outer rural areas have no children's parks or relatively low rate. As a result of the analysis on population structure and co-efficient of park location, in nine autonomous districts, aged group is increasing, leading to decrease use of children's parks. If resident rate aged group is higher in the region where a children's park is located, it is necessary to re-compose the existing one to different one or to change purposes of parks to be planned. Also, in the area with similar rates in both children's group and aged group, composing complex parks for both of them could be considered. This study has limitations by not conducting field studies about the current status of use of children's parks in areas where the population structure has been changing and not suggesting specifically new types of parks according to changes in population structure. It is necessary to conduct the following studies about relationship between children's parks and policies for composing parks responding to changes in population structure in neighboring regions in future.



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