일반인의 청력이 삶의 질에 미치는 영향

The Influence of Hearing Ability of Ordinary People on the Quality of Life

  • 김석환 (서영대학교 보건의료행정과) ;
  • 오지영 (한국폴리텍대학 의료정보과)
  • Kim, Seok-Hwan (Department of Health Care Administration, Seoyoung University) ;
  • Oh, Ji-Young (Department of Health Care Informatics, Korea Polytechnic Colleges)
  • 투고 : 2017.12.20
  • 심사 : 2018.03.29
  • 발행 : 2018.06.30


Background: In this research, we conducted an analysis to grasp the relationship between hearing and quality of life and to prepare effective troubleshooting. Methods: In this study, we analyzed using the data of the 6th term of the National Health and Nutrition Survey of the Disease Management Headquarters. And, out of 7,380 people, 3,598 adults over the age of 40 years who participated in the hearing test were selected as final research subjects and analyzed. Results: It was confirmed that the result of the analysis affects the quality of life based on hearing. The quality of life associated with hearing loss was unpleasant, motor ability, anxiety/depression, and everyday life affected in order of self management. And factors having an effect on the quality of life of the study subjects were found to be gender, elderly, unmarried, low hearing, low household income, absence of economic activity, and low teaching standards. Conclusion: The conclusion is that strengthening education for realistic management and prevention rather than treatment for unconditional hearing impairment will overcome low self esteem and loneliness and alleviate any uncomfortable life that people with hearing loss give. It is expected to be possible.



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