Distributional Characteristics of Rare Plants Native to Chungnam Area in Korea

충남지역에 자생하는 희귀식물의 분포특성

  • Received : 2018.04.23
  • Accepted : 2018.06.12
  • Published : 2018.06.29


This study was conducted on rare plants distributed in Chungnam area from April, 2012 to November, 2017. The rare plant populations that are emerging are: Utricularia pilosa, Jeffersonia dubia, Iris ruthenica, Tipularia japonica, Calanthe discolor, Parasenecio pseudotaimingasa, Ranunculus kazusensis, Berchemia racemosa, Pogonia minor and Glehnia littoralis. According to the criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), plant resources in the rare species category were one important type (CR), three hazardous species (EN) and six vulnerable species (VU). As a result of analyzing characteristics of ecological environment and threats, five types of habitat types, two aquatic areas, two types of flatland and coastal sand dune distribution types were analyzed. The decreasing tendency of the rare plant populations in the surveyed area is judged to be artificial disturbance and habitat destruction rather than climate or environmental change. Considering the characteristics of habitat, conservation measures should be prepared for each population.



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