Karyotype of an Endangered Freshwater Fish, Microphysogobio koreensis (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from Korea

멸종위기어류 모래주사 Microphysogobio koreensis (Pisces: Cyprinidae)의 핵형분석

  • Park, Jong Sung (Inland Aquaculture Research Center, National Institute of Fisheries Science) ;
  • Kim, Hyeong Su (Inland Aquaculture Research Center, National Institute of Fisheries Science) ;
  • Park, Jong Young (Department of Biological Science and Institute for Biodiversity Research, College of Natural Sciences, Chonbuk National University)
  • 박종성 (국립수산과학원 중앙내수면연구소 내수면양식연구센터) ;
  • 김형수 (국립수산과학원 중앙내수면연구소 내수면양식연구센터) ;
  • 박종영 (전북대학교 자연과학대학 생명과학과.전북대학교 부설 생물다양성연구소)
  • Received : 2018.04.02
  • Accepted : 2018.05.08
  • Published : 2018.06.30


The karyotype analysis of an endangered freshwater fish, Microphysogobio koreensis, was performed to obtain basic data for phylogenetic information. To carry out our study, 4 specimens were collected in Seomjingang River and Nakdongang River and its kidney was treated by flame-drying method. The chromosome number of this species demonstrated 50 diploid chromosomes, with two populations of M. koreensis not significantly different. The karyotype revealed 2n=26m+24sm, consisting of 26 metacentric (m) and 24 submetacentric (sm) chromosomes with the total fundamental arm number determined as FN=100. Total arm length and arm ratio of the chromosomes were $1.44{\sim}2.68{\mu}m$ and 1.27~2.27, respectively. The karyotype of M. koreensis was first reported in this study.

본 연구는 멸종위기 어류 모래주사 Microphsygobio koreensis의 핵형분석을 통해 계통유전학적 기초자료를 얻고자 수행하였다. 핵형분석을 위해 섬진강과 낙동강에서 채집된 4개체의 신장을 flame-drying 방법으로 실험을 실시하였다. 핵형분석 결과 염색체 수는 2n =50으로 섬진강과 낙동강 집단 간에 차이가 없었다. 모래주사 핵형은 2n=26m+24sm로 13쌍의 metacentric과 12쌍의 submetacentric 염색체로 구성되었으며, FN =100이었다. 염색체의 길이와 양완비는 각각 $1.44{\sim}2.68{\mu}m$, 1.17~2.27이었다. 모래주사의 핵형에 대한 보고는 본 연구에서 처음으로 수행되었다.



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