내수기업 수출활성화를 위한 무역전문인력 양성 방안에 대한 연구

A Study on the Proposal for Training of the Trade Experts to Promote Export of Domestic Companies

  • 강호연 (한국무역협회 무역아카데미) ;
  • 정윤세 (단국대학교 무역학과)
  • 투고 : 2018.04.09
  • 심사 : 2018.05.19
  • 발행 : 2018.05.31


In all countries of the world, the development of trade is an important factor for the survival of the national economy. Increased export will lead to national economic growth. Export is directly linked to employment, and the industrial structure will be developed in the direction to produce products of comparative advantages. Therefore, every country around the world is trying to promote export regardless of the size of its economy. Accordingly, this paper focused on the promotion of export of domestic companies. It proposed to cultivate trade experts to promote export of domestic companies. The following five methods were proposed to materialize the proposal. First, it is important to foster trade experts to expand and foster the one-person creative companies. In particular, it is important to develop a professional education curriculum. It is necessary to design and conduct a systematic curriculum throughout the process including follow-up after education such as teaching detailed procedures for establishing a trade business, identification of relevant regulations and related organizations, understanding of special features of each exporting country, and details of exporting procedures through specialist training for the individual industries, helping themto keep their network steady so that they can easily get help from consultants. Second, it is necessary to educate traders working in the field to make them trade experts and utilize themin on-the-job training and consulting. To do this, it is necessary to introduce systematic consultant selection process, and to introduce a systemto educate and manage them. It is because, we must select the most appropriate candidates, educate themto be lecturers and consultants, and dispatch themto the field, in order to make the best achievement in export. Nurturing trading professionals utilizing the current trading workers to activate export of domestic companies can be more efficient through cooperation of trading education agencies and related agencies in various industries. Third, it is also proposed to cultivate female trade experts by educating female trade workers whose career has been disrupted. It is to provide career disrupted women with opportunities to work after training them as trade professionals and to give manpower pool to domestic companies that are preparing for export. Fourth, it is also proposed to educate foreign students living in Korea to be trading experts and to utilize them as trading infra. They can be trading professionals who will contribute to the promotion of export. In the short term, they will be provided with opportunities for employment and start-upin the field of trade, and in the mid- to long-term, they may develop a business network between Korea and their own countries. To this end, we need to improve the visa system, expand free trade education opportunities, and support them so that they can establish small but strong enterprises. Fifth, it is proposed to proactively expand trade education to specialized high school students. Considering that most of domestic companies pursuing activation of export are small but strong companies or small and mediumsized companies, they may prefer high school graduates rather than university graduates because of financial limitations. Besides, the specialized high school students may occupy better position in the job market if they are equipped with expertise in trading. This study can be meaningful, in that it is the first research that focuses on cultivating trading experts to contribute to the export activation of domestic companies. However, it also has a limitation that it has failed to reflect the more specific field voices. It is hoped that detailed plans will be derived from the opinions of the employees of domestic companies making efforts to become an export company in the related researches in the future.



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