Low Loss Highly Birefringent Porous Core Fiber for Single Mode Terahertz Wave Guidance

  • Habib, Md. Ahasan (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University) ;
  • Anower, Md. Shamim (Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology)
  • Received : 2018.03.13
  • Accepted : 2018.05.28
  • Published : 2018.06.25


A novel porous-core hexagonal lattice photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is designed and analyzed for efficient terahertz (THz) wave propagation. The finite element method based Comsol v4.2 software is used for numerical analysis of the proposed fiber. A perfectly matched layer boundary condition is used to characterize the guiding properties. Rectangular air-holes are used inside the core to introduce asymmetry for attaining high birefringence. By intentionally rotating the rectangular air holes of porous core structure, an ultrahigh birefringence of 0.045 and low effective material loss of $0.086cm^{-1}$ can be obtained at the operating frequency of 0.85 THz. Moreover, single-mode properties, power fraction in air core and confinement loss of the proposed PCF are also analyzed. This is expected to be useful for wideband imaging and telecom applications.



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