Adaptive Deadline-aware Scheme (ADAS) for Data Migration between Cloud and Fog Layers

  • 투고 : 2017.10.16
  • 심사 : 2017.10.21
  • 발행 : 2018.03.31


The advent of Internet of Things (IoT) and the evident inadequacy of Cloud networks concerning management of numerous end nodes have brought about a shift of paradigm giving birth to Fog computing. Fog computing is an extension of Cloud computing that extends Cloud resources at the edge of the network, closer to the user. Cloud computing has become one of the essential needs of people over the Internet but with the emerging concept of IoT, traditional Clouds seem inadequate. IoT entails extremely low latency and for that, the Cloud servers that are distant and unknown to the user appear to be unsuitable. With the help of Fog computing, the Fog devices installed would be closer to the user that will provide an immediate storage for the frequently needed data. This paper discusses data migration between different storage types especially between Cloud devices and then presents a mechanism to migrate data between Cloud and Fog Layer. We call this mechanism Adaptive Deadline-Aware Scheme (ADAS) for Data migration between Cloud and Fog. We will demonstrate that we can access and process latency sensitive "hot" data through the proposed ADAS more efficiently than with a traditional Cloud setup.



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