안면부 여과식 방진마스크와 안경 동시 착용 시 불편감과 밀착계수 비교

Effects of Wearing between Respirators and Glasses Simultaneously on Physical and Visual Discomforts and Quantitative Fit Factors

  • Eoh, Won Souk (Department of TSI, APM Engineering Co., LTD.) ;
  • Choi, Youngbo (Department of Safety Engineering, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Shin, Chang Sub (Department of Safety Engineering, Chungbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2018.02.08
  • 심사 : 2018.03.06
  • 발행 : 2018.04.30


This study compares the differences of the fit factor by the order of wearing preference between Particulate filtering facepiece respirators(PFFR) and glasses when participants wore simultaneously and a survey of physical and visual complaint. Recognition level about fit of respirators was investigated and the educational (before- and after-) effect of the fit factor. When participants wore PFFR and glasses, physical complaints were nose pressure, slipping, nose and ear pressure, ear pressure and rim loosen, the most highly physical complaints were nose pressure. Visual complaints were demister, blurry vision, dizziness, visual field, and lens dirty, the most highly visual complaints were demister. But, there was significant difference in physical complaint such as nose pressure(10.3%), slipping (23.0%), nose and ear pressure(14.3%), and rim loosen(16.2%), visual complaint such as visual field(13.8%) and lens dirty(32.4%). For the recognition of fit of respirators, respirators fitness, leak site, an initial point and an object, faulty factor, recognition level was higher. Fit factor was increased after education of proper wearing of respirator. Change of the fit factor was smaller compared to the normal breathing and after 6 actions in case of after education. Questionnaire consisted of general characteristics and physical/visual complaint, recognition of fit. Complaints were measured after the QNFT with multiple choices. Quantitative fit factor was measured by device and compared the result of (before- and after-) educational effect. Also, we selected to 6 actions (Normal breathing, Deep breathing, Bending over, Turning head side to side, Moving head up and down, Normal breathing) among 8 actions OSHA QNFT (Quantitative Fit testing) protocol to measure the fit factors. The fit factor was higher after the training (p=0.000). Descriptive statistics, paired t-test, and Wilcoxon analysis were performed to describe the result of questionnaire and fit test. (P=0.05) Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the quantitative research such as training program and glasses fitting factor about the wearing of PFFR and glasses simultaneously.



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