P파를 이용한 지진 현장 경보체계기술의 국내 적용

Application of the Onsite Earthquake Early Warning Technology Using the Seismic P-Wave in Korea

  • 투고 : 2018.11.07
  • 심사 : 2018.12.06
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


연구목적: 본 연구는 단일 지진관측기로부터 P파를 추출하여 PGV를 산출하는 현장지진경보(Onsite EEW)를 설계와 검증을 목적으로 한다. 연구방법: 국내에서 발생한 12개의 지진파형데이터를 이용하여 적합한 P파 감지 시간(PTW)의 크기를 정하여, P파 물성치인 Pd, Pv 및 Pa를 산출하고, 경험식을 통한 PGV 추정값을 관측치와 비교하였다. 연구결과: PGV 관측치와 추정치의 비교결과를 경보 발령 기준인 진도 등급 내에서 비교하였을 때 오보 비율은 최소 86.7%의 적중률을 보였으며, PTW를 2초로 줄이는 효과로 경보시간은 1초, 공백역은 6Km를 단축할 수 있다. 결론: 본 연구를 통해 국내에서 지진현장경보의 가용성을 확인하였으며, 실제 활용을 위해서는 지속적인 관측을 통해 지진파형 데이터수를 늘이고, 현장 노이즈를 제거하는 기술을 통해 한국형의 회귀식과 알고리즘 개발이 필요하다.

Purpose: This study aims to design and verify an onsite EEWS that extracts the P-wave from a single seismic station and deduce the PGV. Method: The P-wave properties of Pd, Pv, and Pa were calculated by using 12 seismic waveform data extracted from historic seismic records in Korea, and the PGVs were computed using empirical equation on the P properties - PGV relationship and compared with the observed values. Results: Comparison of the observed and estimated PGVs within the alarm level shows the error rate of 86.7% as minimum. By reducing the PTW to 2 seconds, the alarm time can be shortened by 1 second and the seismic blind zone near the epicenter can be shortened by 6 Km. Conclusion: Through this study, we confirmed the availability of the on-site EEWS in Korea. For practical use, it is necessary to develop regression formula and algorithm reflect local effect in Korea by increasing the number of seismic waveform data through continuous observation, and to eliminate the noise from the site.


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Fig. 1. Diagram of seismic analyzer for on-site warning

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Fig. 2. Stations used for optimal PTW

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Fig. 4. hypocentral distance and Pd time variant after trigger(The 2016 Gyeongju earthquake)

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Fig. 6. A scatter plot of PGV of the observed and estimated from Pd using Equation (1).

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Fig. 8. A scatter plot of PGV of the observed and estimated from Pv using Equation (3).

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Fig. 10. A scatter plot of PGV of the observed and estimated from Pd using average Equation (2)~(4).

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Fig. 11. Blind-zone variant by PTW in onsite warning

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Fig. 3. Stations used for optimal PTW

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Fig. 5. hypocentral distance and Pd time variant after trigger(The 2017 Pohang earthquake)

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Fig. 7. A scatter plot of PGV of the observed and estimated from Pd using Equation (2).

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Fig. 9. A scatter plot of PGV of the observed and estimated from Pa using Equation (4).

Table 1. Dataset for P-wave analysis

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피인용 문헌

  1. 국내에서의 지진현장경보 기술 고도화 및 적용 vol.16, pp.4, 2018,