A Research on Exterior Heat Syndrome Diarrhea of Taeumin(太陰人)

태음인(太陰人) 표열증(表熱證) 설사(泄瀉)에 대한 고찰

  • Received : 2018.04.02
  • Accepted : 2018.05.16
  • Published : 2018.05.25


Objectives : The first object is to reveal the mechanism of diarrhea based on exterior heat syndrome for Taeumin as explained in Donguisusebowon's Taeeumingansuyeoliyeolbyeonglon. The second objective is to review the treatment for Taeumin as explained in Leejema's Galgeunnabogjatang because the drug composition of Galgeunnabogjatang, the drug that treats this syndrome, is not written. Methods : As the first step, the paper will review the disease pathology for Taeumin written, and check the existence of disease path that can be viewed as exterior heat syndrome. As the second step, the paper will review the probability of exterior heat syndrome deriving from Taeumin disease path and morph into the exterior heat syndrome. Results : Using the first step to discover the direct correlation between exterior heat syndrome and the theory of disease for Taeumin led to a failure, but through the second step, the paper was able to confirm the probability that exterior heat syndrome could derive from Wiwansuhanpyohanbyeong's Wiwanhanjeung. Based on this, the paper was able to determine the Galgeunnabogjatang suitable for the treatment of exterior heat syndrome. Conclusions : Exterior heat syndrome is created when healthy qi is stimulated to quickly build up the pathogen of Taeumin exterior heat syndrome, but only exterior heat is generated and the cold remains. Its main symptoms are fever, excessive sweating, and difficult painful red-urination. Exterior heat syndrome diarrhea refers to the diarrhea which is generated from the Taeumin's disease pathology. The paper determined that Galgeunnabogjatang, which is listed in Donguisusebowon the seventh edition Boyubang.



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