청대(淸代)의 운기학(運氣學)에 관한 연구(硏究)

A Study on Five Circuits and Six Qi Learning of Qing Dynasty

  • 윤창열 (대전대학교 한의과대학 원전학교실)
  • Yun, Chang-yeol (Dept. of Medicine Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University)
  • 투고 : 2018.04.23
  • 심사 : 2018.05.09
  • 발행 : 2018.05.25


Objectives: The Qing Dynasty experienced a development in Yunqi even greater than in the Ming Dynasty. Popularization and universalization of Yunqi theory led to many books on the subject published, especially with weights on Warm Heat Disease and Pestilence, also giving birth to new Yunqi theories. A study into this development has a great significance in the study of the traditional medicine in Qing. Methods: The paper studies the Yunqi books published in the Qing dynasty to find out the unique characters of those books. To understand the direction which the Yunqi theory in the Qing period took, the paper also reviewed the positions of different groups, those who were favorable, those who compromised, and those who were unfavorable. Results: Four directions were taken by the study of Yunqi in the Qing period. First is the systemic study and composition of Neijing's chapter of Yunqi. This direction was taken by Liumaoxiu's NeiJingYunQiBingShi) and $N{\grave{e}}ijingyunqibiao$, Xuefuchen's Suwenyunqitushuo, Zhuenhua's Suwenyunqiqianshuo, an unknown person's Su wen yunqi chao, Weigeliu's Neijingqihuapian. The second direction is the study of Yunqi in relation with the Warm Heat Disease and Pestilence, which was taken by Mayin lin's Wuyunliuqiwenyifayuan, Lumaoxiu's Suwenyipianbìngshi, Litianchi's Shiyiwenbingqìyunzhengyan lun, and Wangxun's Cihangsanyuanfujifang. The third direction deals with a new Yunqi theory. The Fourthis the explanation of Yunqi in the form of Songs, which was taken by Wuqian's Yunqiyaojue, and Wengzao's Yunqiyaojue. Conclusions: Ludanchen published Yunqibian, and explained that Haizichouyinmaochen, which is the eclipse's south latitude, becomes Nanzheng, and Southern government, which is the eclipse's north latitude, becomes Northern government. Lumaoxiu revealed that the Liuqidasitian, founded by Wangpuzhuang, his great grandfather on the mother's side, is in alignment with the theory of Dashitian, used by Liushozhen, Lidongyuan, Zhudanxi, and Zhangjingyue. The representative figure in the favorable view of Yunqi in the Qing period is Wuyang, that of those who compromised is Fengzhaozhang, and that of opposition is Zhangzhuo.



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