디스플레이 및 일시 기능 소자에 적용된 산화물 기반 박막 트랜지스터

  • 발행 : 2018.03.31


Oxide semiconductor has been spotlighted as a channel material of TFTs in AMLCD as an alternative to Si, due to high mobility ( > $5cm^2/Vs$). It is also one of the strong candidates for TFTs in AMOLED because of high bias stability at amorphous phase. Beyond the advantages mentioned above, oxide semiconductor has many strengths such as transparency, low fabrication temperature and relatively low fabrication cost. For those reasons, the application of oxide semiconductor is not limited to display but can be extended to new types of electronics, for example, transient electronics for human implantable devices. From this context, oxide materials that have been used as semiconductor and insulator at transient electronics are investigated respectively, and conductor and substrate candidates are also explained, since transient electronics require systematic consideration beyond individual oxide films.



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