Comparative Analysis of Earthquake Management in Pohang and Japan

포항 지진과 일본 지진관리 업무 비교·분석

  • Kim, Su Ran (National Disaster Management Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Hye Won (National Disaster Management Research Institute)
  • Received : 2018.03.05
  • Accepted : 2018.04.20
  • Published : 2018.04.30


This study aims to create a disaster management system after an earthquake. Japan's earthquake disaster management system, including the Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act, addresses all of the disaster phases of prevention, mitigation, preparedness and emergency response as well as recovery and reconstruction with roles and responsibilities among the national and local governments clearly defined. Korea's earthquake disaster management system are including the Disaster Countermeasures Basic, but when the 9.12 earthquake occurred, problems such as insufficient early response, study on the earthquake lack were revealed. This study conducted a field survey and analyzed coping process after Po Hang earthquake. Therefore, this study have found that Disaster Management Headquarters are operated rapidly. They are coped with urgent safety inspection for damage facilities and soil liquefaction with advanced equipment. And The headquarters interviewed with victims. So they found out What the victims needed. However, when carrying out relief activities, Research of temporary housing and allocation of donations was not rapid. Further, this study have found that earthquake specialists were lack and disaster information transfer was not working. This study will be utilized as fundamental data in planning disaster management system after an earthquake.



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