Advances of telecommunication technology bring various changes in journalism field. Reporters started to gather, edit, and transmit content to main server in media company using hand-held smart media and notebook computer. This paper tried to testify valid bit-rate of visual news content using LTE network and mobile phone. Field news like natural disasters need real-time transmission of video content. But broadcasting company normally use heavy ENG system and transmission satellite trucks. We prepared and experimented different types of visual content that has different bit-rates. Transmission tool was LU-60HD mobile system of LiveU Corporation. Transmission result shows that bit-rate of 2Mbps news content is not suitable for broadcasting and VBR (Variable Bit Rate) transmission has better definition quality than CBR (Constant Bit Rate) method. Three different bit-rate of VBR transmission result shows that 5Mbps clip has better quality than 1Mbps and 3Mbps. The higher bit-rate, the better video quality. But if the content has much movements, that cause delay and abnormal quality of video. So optimizing the balance between stability of signal and quality of bit-rate is crucial factor of real-time broadcasting news gathering business.