ICT 서비스 스타트업의 성공조건 : 팀 창의성, 지식공유 그리고 흡수역량

Key Success Factors for ICT Service Startup Team : Team Creativity, Knowledge Sharing and Absorptive Capacity

  • 박준기 (연세대학교 미래융합연구원) ;
  • 이혜정 (연세대학교 동서문제연구원)
  • 투고 : 2017.11.03
  • 심사 : 2017.12.11
  • 발행 : 2018.03.31


In this research, we tried to suggest the guidelines to stakeholder of ICT startup for picking up the excellent startups and nurturing them. We designed the research model focused on the good startup team's knowledge based interaction mechanism. A research model and hypotheses were developed from literature review and empirically validated. The research model consisted relationship among the knowledge sharing (knowledge donation and knowledge collection), absorptive capacity (member's ability and member's motivation), team creativity, and innovation capability. Data were collected from ICT Service Startups, and a partial least squares (PLS) analysis was made on 175 data points. The analysis results showed that absorptive capacity has significant effect on team creativity and innovation capability directly. And also it has indirect effect on the dependent variable through team creativity. On the contrary, knowledge sharing does not have statistically significant effect on team creativity and innovation capability; only have an effect on absorptive capacity. Based on the results, we proposed several team management skills for ICT startup leaders and members, and the guidelines to stakeholder such as government and private investors. Also there are some ideas for startup nurturing polices for government officers. Theoretical contributions are discussed at the end with limitations and further studies.



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