TPACK of Faculty in Higher Education: Current Status and Future Directions

  • 투고 : 2018.03.22
  • 심사 : 2018.04.04
  • 발행 : 2018.04.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate teaching competence of faculty members based on TPACK which should be examined to ensure high quality in higher education. This study was conducted with a focus on TPACK, which integrate technology knowledge (TK), content knowledge (CK), and pedagogy knowledge (PK). Except insincere responses data from a total of 85 participants were used for data analysis in this study. K-mean cluster analysis method was used to examine how faculty members could be distinguished depending on TPACK type. Study results showed that there were three different types of faculty groups (well-balanced competence type, development required competence type, and lack of technology competence type). First, faculty members defined as well balanced competence type were more than the average level in TPACK. Second, faculty members belonged to development required competence type reported below the average level in TPACK. Thus, faculty members in this type were required to increase teaching competence. Finally, faculty members in lack of technology competence type were needed to enhance competence related to technology because their overall TK level was relatively low. This study examined what distinctive characteristics exited in each type depending on gender, teaching career, nationality, and age. Results from this study offered a basis for better understanding TPACK for enhancing teaching competence at the university level.



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