The 19th CPC National Congress and the Development of the Chinese Constitutional System in the New Era: From the Perspective of the History of Constitutional Change

十九大与新时代中国宪制的发展 : 基于宪法变迁史的视角

  • Received : 2018.02.14
  • Accepted : 2018.03.06
  • Published : 2018.03.31


The 19th CPC National Congress has a key historical significance in the development of China's constitution. It will also play a decisive role in the history of the seventy years'constitutional change in New China. XiJinping's new socialist thought with Chinese characteristics established in the report of 19th CPC National Congress will be written in the preface of the March 2018 National People's Congress's constitutional amendment. The fifth revision of 1982 Constitution will touch on many issues such as the leadership of the CPC into the constitution, the abolition of the tenure of the president, the constitutional oath system, and the reform of the national supervisory system. In addition, the constitutionality review system, the establishment of the National Security Council, the constitutional status of socialist public property and private property and the adjustment of major economic system has become a hot topic in the theory field. In the history node towards a socialist country ruled by law, the theory and practice of the China indeed have the academic ideas, value position and path model differences, which will delay the Chinese constitutional development, but also is the necessary pain in the process of moving towards the rule of law in China. Indeed, how to the development and where to go in the future of Chinese constitutionalism itself has sample value, which deserves rational attention and in-depth inquiry from Chinese and Western academics.



This research is supported by the project of Zhejiang Province Philosophy and Social Science Fund in 2015 (Project number: 16NDJC281YB).


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