Comparison of machine learning techniques to predict compressive strength of concrete

  • Dutta, Susom (School of Civil and Chemical Engineering (SCALE), VIT University) ;
  • Samui, Pijush (Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Patna) ;
  • Kim, Dookie (Department of Civil Engineering, Kunsan National University)
  • Received : 2017.09.21
  • Accepted : 2018.01.16
  • Published : 2018.04.25


In the present study, soft computing i.e., machine learning techniques and regression models algorithms have earned much importance for the prediction of the various parameters in different fields of science and engineering. This paper depicts that how regression models can be implemented for the prediction of compressive strength of concrete. Three models are taken into consideration for this; they are Gaussian Process for Regression (GPR), Multi Adaptive Regression Spline (MARS) and Minimax Probability Machine Regression (MPMR). Contents of cement, blast furnace slag, fly ash, water, superplasticizer, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and age in days have been taken as inputs and compressive strength as output for GPR, MARS and MPMR models. A comparatively large set of data including 1030 normalized previously published results which were obtained from experiments were utilized. Here, a comparison is made between the results obtained from all the above mentioned models and the model which provides the best fit is established. The experimental results manifest that proposed models are robust for determination of compressive strength of concrete.



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