정보 기술을 이용한 공급 기업과의 공동 혁신이 제조기업 제품 및 과정 혁신에 미치는 영향

The Effects of the Co-innovation with Suppliers through IT on the Product and Process Innovations in Manufacturing Firms

  • 투고 : 2017.11.30
  • 심사 : 2018.03.15
  • 발행 : 2018.03.31


Purpose This study empirically investigated the impact of information technology(IT) capability on the co-innovation with suppliers and the effects of the co-innovation with suppliers on the product and process innovations in manufacturing firms. We demonstrated that IT promotes innovations trough the sharing of knowledge with suppliers. Design/methodology/approach The empirical data were collected through post-survey. 97 valid survey data were finally collected. With a multiple-regression analysis, we confirmed the influence relationships among critical variables. Findings In the empirical results, it was found that IT integration positively and significantly influences the amount of inter-organizational information exchange with suppliers. The results showed that the inter-organizational information flow with suppliers has a positive and significant impact on the inter-organizational learning with suppliers. It was also observed that the inter-organizational learning with suppliers facilitates and promotes the co-innovation with suppliers. From these results, it is concluded that the co-innovation with suppliers is activated through the knowledge transfer or sharing caused by an inter-organizational information flow or learning. Finally, the positive effects of the co-innovation with suppliers on the product and process innovations were empirically confirmed. Thus, it is suggested that IT capability influences innovations through the co-innovation with suppliers caused by an inter-organizational information flow.



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